to the new m&m's;

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

With the GOOD, comes the BAD should be around 300 words long

Journal entry #1:
In our era, there are many electronic advancements that help boost up the benefits of communicating within technology. Of course, with the benifits, there are also possible ways to create these positive effects into negative. An example of this would be the cell phone. It was created for our enjoyment to talk to fellow family, friends and others with the pressing of buttons. The positive effects would be that we no longer must have to walk to whomever to give the message, now your voice travels instead of your feet. Cell phones created more time for other things and made our life much easier. As well, if in danger outside the home, cellphones can be
used to call right at the moment, making help arrive much quicker. Cellphones have saved many lives with its portable calling. The negatives to the cellphone would be that many teenagers now use up their time talking to their friends, leaving their homework or chores to be left to do last minute or not at all. As well, many cellphones are now targets for other people and many are stolen and leaving the owners very disapointed. This creates much of a problem in ones life. Another example of benefits and negatives to the advancement of communication technology would be Microsoft Network messenger also known was MSN messager. The postive to this advancement would be that you can talk to your friends and family through the computer with a couple of clicking of the keyboard. You can talk to others without being shy and send emoticons to show your feelings. You can as well have webcam sessions with others or have voice conversations through a microphone. All these things are all located in the handy dandy MSN messenger. But as much as it is handy dandy, it is also a creator of many negative problems. MSN messenger is a very useful tool for people, but some use it for wrong reasons. MSN messenger can create many security problems and endanger someones life. You can never know for sure who you are talking to on MSN, and many can aduct ones innocence through this. Many things have been said to prevent this such as "don't talk to anyone you dont know", or "never meet someone you have met through MSN" but still, many of these things happen everyday. As well, the advancements that come with MSN, such as the webcam, can leave youth, young teens and adults to share more than needed through the cam. This can creates many worries for the parents, or many worries for themselves.
In conclusion, it is easy to see that, as the title states, with the good, comes the bad. Communication has brought many advancements for our lives, but you can only obtain the postitives, if you use it the wisely and the right way.


Blogger raphyy said...

Hi Jethro,
I agree with what you are saying on how technology is improving and that we do only appreciate to goods of technology and decide to look at the bads of technology when it is to late.
We have to learn to look at both sides of technology because many things in our lives could change. Rather than going outside and playing sports we would rather decide to stay on msn and talk with our friends or people we might not even know.

8:41 AM  
Blogger Keenan V. said...

In the end it is not the technology that ends up creating the negative effects, but it is the person behind the technology. We have not created AI yet, and so how can it be the technology's fault. Looking from one viewpoint is nice, but you forgot that there is also technology to help us against this technology that causes damage. But other than that, I concur.

8:54 AM  

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