to the new m&m's;

Friday, May 25, 2007

how great is this?

So, if going to school and getting bullied wasn't great enough, you can know get bullied at your very own home! Yes, it's true! How you may ask? Through the wonderful world of technology! People can cyberbully you through MSN, through hotmail, through text, through the phone and through many more wonderful, and helpful technology
creations. How enthusiastic are you?

Cyberbullying can be defined many ways to others. The gist of cyberbullying is bullying someone through some technological way. It can be threatening someone through e-mails or talking about someone through a "I Hate ____" club through Facebook. Yeah, it's very convenient to cyberbully. You can just sit there, typing harsh and horrible things to someone and be hidden too. My enthusiasm is just bursting! No, not really.

Leave it to some jerk to turn such wonderful technology into something horrible.

On Wednesday, May 23rd 2007, we had a guest speaker come to our school to talk to us about this
cyberbullying. At first, I was completely distraught about having to go to some assembly about something that I already knew about. Or so I thought. So there I am, sitting and completely bored while listening to some laws and school codes. I'm not worried at all for this because, hey, I don't cyberbully anyone so I'm good. Right? Well, I thought that cyberbullying was just threatening someone through MSN and it's not like I've ever done that, but as the speaker spoke, I found out that I was a victim and producer of cyberbullying! Me! I listened to what he said and how cyberbullying can just be saying bad stuff about the other person through any technology creations. At that instant, I remembered when I had constantly said rude stuff about this boy through e-mails as he did the same to me. I did this for about a month, and even though it was never me who wrote him first, I was still involving myself in this. I felt so guilty! I could of just ignored his e-mails! I could not believe how easy it was to involve yourself with cyberbullying, no matter how big or small the situation! The speaker then started giving examples and how students killed themselves over this, how teachers went partially mental and how a student sued the school for lack of safety. I could not believe this at all! I couldn't believe that someone can cyberbully another that much and create such a huge problem! I thought that my doings were horrible! So here I am, completely distraught at the idea of cyberbullying and disgusted at myself for doing the same. I was a cyberbullying jerk and I turned the internet into a weapon! I listened to the rest of the speech, with about thousand thoughts racing through my head.
After school, I went home in a rush to blow off some steam from the speech. I went on my computer and sat there racing my fingers on the keyboard. I was angry and put a lot of emotion in what I was writing; I had something big to say. Finally I was done, and saved it in drafts. I wrote a sorry e-mail (because I'm too scared to do it in real life) to the boy I had cyberbullied. It was pretty hard to write since he hurt me too with the insults he sent to me, but I still was glad I wrote it. Isn't that super? Okay, maybe I'm not all that super because I have not sent him the e-mail yet. It's kind of hard because a.) I'm scared of what he will say and b.) I'm a big wimp. I'm hoping to send it soon, but at least I took a step right?
After the whole cyberbully speech, I've really been careful about what I say and write to others. It's really making me a better person.


Blogger Keenan V. said...

Good thing at least someone learned something from the guest speaker. I should probably be careful in what I say or I might display a sign of cyber-bullying. Good post though.

12:44 PM  

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